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Rob Neeter, unser Mitgründer von Careanimations traf sich mit dem Chefredakteur von markt intern und sprach darüber, wie Apoclip die Apothekenlandschaft verändern kann.
Rob Neeter, unser Mitgründer von Careanimations traf sich mit dem Chefredakteur von markt intern und sprach darüber, wie Apoclip die Apothekenlandschaft verändern kann.
In the Netherlands, Stichting Kijksluiter is the sole distributor of the Careanimations products. Through a formal collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Dutch Medicines Agency, and health insurers we ensure that almost every Dutch person can benefit from what we have to offer. Over 90% of Dutch pharmacies and most hospitals actively offer Watchyourmeds to their patients.
Our primary goal is to reach as many patients as possible by supporting care providers in implementing the distribution of Watchyourmeds into their daily practice. In addition we support patients in the use of our app. In the Netherlands, around 30% of the 11 million people that use medicines regularly use our products and we strive to reach them all.